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the perfect balance of

ancient wisdom


cutting edge science

It has been said that water is the blood of the Earth. 

When astronauts explore our solar system for life inhabiting plants the main ingredient they are searching for is liquid water. Without it life would not exist.

Our bodies and the Earth are made up of about 70% water!

This is why here at Earthaqua we strive to not only bring you the purest form of water,

in the most nourishing bottles known but also protect this sacred gift through our outreach and with every personal and business decision we make!

It's a lifestyle not a job.

It has been said that water is the blood of the Earth. 

When astronauts explore our solar system for life inhabiting plants the main ingredient they are searching for is liquid water. Without it life would not exist.

Our bodies and the Earth are made up of about 70% water!

This is why here at Earthaqua we strive to not only bring you the purest form of water,

in the most nourishing bottles known but also protect this sacred gift through our outreach and with every personal and business decision we make!

                                                                       It's a lifestyle not a job.

Life grows where water flows

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